Our Vision & Mission
Our Vision

To help promote Odisha as one of the top economically advanced States in the country.

Our Mission

• To promote trade, commerce, industry and services in Odisha with a view to strengthen and expand economic activity in the state, by fostering just, equitable and globally competitive business environment compatible with free Enterprise of the New Millennium.

• To continue to serve the society through proactive initiative and to support Socio-Economic and Cultural causes.

Our Role

• Analyze and provide key inputs for policy Guidelines.
• Co-ordinate with the Government to ensure smooth implementation of the policies.
• Promote Entrepreneurship in the State.
• Co-ordinate with various National Business Forums for Knowledge Sharing.
• To serve as a platform for voicing the concerns of the Industry, Trade & Commerce.
• To promote the image of the State as an attraction to investors.
• Provide networking platform amongst members and with outside world.
• Encourage startups and Industrial ecosystem to create a vibrant sustainable economy.
• We will try to play a proactive role in climate change commitment by our country and bring all the stakeholders on board.

Up-Coming Events

Resurgent Odisha 2024